Peer to Peer Tuporing


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  • Module
  • Prevention
Course code: YCARE207
Exercise Category: Good Practices
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  • Create spaces for peace and free of violence
  • Offer a referent support to improve newcomers' self-confidence
  • Enhance youth counselling skills of peer tutors
  • Improve the group cohesion
  • Applies to module xxxx

Key words: peer-to-peer, cooperation, empowerment, social cohesion.


There are several formats of peer tutoring(from simplified to institutionalised) addressed to facilitate the adaptation of new youngsters arriving at a Centre. It can be applied both in formal, non-formal or informal education fields and in others Centres attending groups of young people (sport centres, Youth shelters, refugee’s asylum centres, etc.), or by changing the aim of the peer tutoring (guiding through the Centre, language immersion, cultural exchange...).


This method is composed normally by two main phases and an optional one (according to the duration of the programme).It is recommended to be carried out in the long term (during a scholar course for example) even it can also be adapted and implemented for a short period of time (at the beginning of the scholar course for example).


Phase 1: Presentation and Young tutor´s training

The Presentation and registrationis usually organisedat the end of the scholar course for the incorporation of the young tutors at the beginning of the next course.The first step consists inintroducingthe debate by focusing on the first arrival memoriesof the young tutors (what did they feel, see, who did they met and which difficulties did they had to face), followed by apresentation of the peer tutoring programme and the motivationof the young group to take part as tutors to help other young newcomers (some days of reflection are usually given before applying to the programme).

Afterwardsthey are informed on the tutor’s functions and receive the necessary information about the Centre. The first part of the training consists in working on tutors’motivation and expectation: Why do they want to be/act as young tutors? What a young tutor is? What are the functions a young tutor has to carry out?

Further on, young tutors are normally trainedonthe in specific goals of the programme (e.g. to know the Centre and its rules) as well as non-violence and equal opportunities (e.g. bullying, gender violence among others) (see Video from the Peer tutoring programme (TEI).To know more about this programme addressed to bullying, see: spanish).


Training complexity and young tutor's responsabilities can be adapted according to the available resources and needs of each centre.

Tutor's assignment can be random or according to the skills of each of them, depending on the groups' characteristics.


Phase 2: Welcome between Young tutors and newcomers. Once created the young tutors group, they are assigned to the newcomers. A pathway including ice breaker energizer exercises is often organised to show the structure of the centre to the newcomers and introduce them to the programme and general goals.

(optional) Phase 3: Following and closure.

During the programme, frequent meetings in group among professionals and young people are planned to clarify doubts and help peer tutors in organising peer-to-peer actions. Trainers can establish general goals in the medium-long term or several goals over a short period according to the programme’s general objectives and the level of participation of the teenagers. Apart from these sessions, inter-courses dynamics or group activities can be prepared. Young people can also be free to organise their own informal meetings during the course (e.g. courtyard or corridors and out of class time).

At the end of the programme,it is recommended to organise a closure event to thank people for participating in this programme and reward their effort and collaboration.

Source / Literature

Duran Gisbert D. (2006). Aula de Innovación Educativa. Revista Aula de Innovación Educativa: 153-154.

González A., Belmonte J., Janssen A., Jaume N., López E., Martínez A., Sanz M. (n.a.). Tutoría entre iguales. Programa de Convivencia Escolar. Prevención de la violencia. Departamento. de Orientación y Asesoramiento. I.E.S. Front Maritim.