CV Exercise; My Story
Key message
This excerise asks participants to think of their lives to date, reflect on the skills and experiences they have acquired and think about putting together a CV of these experiences. Next they are asked to think of where they would like to be and what efforts they need to make to get to where they want. The purpose of this exercise is to encourage participants to start thinking about and planning their future, away from radicalism.
Key words: self-reflection, setting goals, exist strategies, de-radicalistion
The term Curriculum Vitae is a Latin phrase meaning ‘the story of a life’. In today’s session the participants are going to take stock of where they are currently at in their lives and spend some time and attention focusing on where they would like the future to take them.
LessKey message
This excerise asks participants to think of their lives to date, reflect on the skills and experiences they have acquired and think about putting together a CV of these experiences. Next they are asked to think of where they would like to be and what efforts they need to make to get to where they want. The purpose of this exercise is to encourage participants to start thinking about and planning their future, away from radicalism.
Key words: self-reflection, setting goals, exist strategies, de-radicalistion
The term Curriculum Vitae is a Latin phrase meaning ‘the story of a life’. In today’s session the participants are going to take stock of where they are currently at in their lives and spend some time and attention focusing on where they would like the future to take them.
Key message
This excerise asks participants to think of their lives to date, reflect on the skills and experiences they have acquired and think about putting together a CV of these experiences. Next they are asked to think of where they would like to be and what efforts they need to make to get to where they want. The purpose of this exercise is to encourage participants to start thinking about and planning their future, away from radicalism.
Key words: self-reflection, setting goals, exist strategies, de-radicalistion
The term Curriculum Vitae is a Latin phrase meaning ‘the story of a life’. In today’s session the participants are going to take stock of where they are currently at in their lives and spend some time and attention focusing on where they would like the future to take them.
- Group size
- small
- medium
- Module
- Exit strategies
- Duration
- 1 hour
- Group age
- 12 - 15
- 16 - 19
- 20 - 24
- To get participants to reflect on the lives they are living at present, is it a fulfilling happy life or a less than desirable existence?
- To encourage participants to make value judgements about if where they are currently at is where they want or need to be
- To help participants start to look to the future and explore the various avenues that may have the potential to take them where they need to get to
Suitable for use with a wide variety of groups but may be most relevant to teenagers and young adults; non-gender specific.
Step 1: The facilitator introduces the exercise by explaining that the term Curriculum Vitae is a Latin phrase meaning ‘the story of a life’. In today’s session the group are going to take stock of where they are currently in their lives and spend some time and attention focusing on where they would like the future to take them.
Step 2: Each participant is invited to jot down a brief summary of the key influential points in their life that paints a picture of them as the person they are today, a snapshot of their life presently.
They are to reflect on their journey so far, good and bad aspects, no censoring.
Step 3: The facilitator then asks the participants to:
- Write down a couple of key words that capture ‘you’ now; i.e. that is the current version of yourself
- Draft up a rough fantasy CV of the person who you aspire to be; i.e. your ‘potential’ self, the type of character you would admire
- Reflect on:
What do you need to do to get you there?
What may hinder you achieving your potential?
Materials needed
Blank pages, pens or markers.
Individual reflection, Group discussion and sharing
Advice for Trainer
To close off this activity, the facilitator invites participants to share a little of their CV with the group and asks other participants to give some encouraging feedback.
Source / Literature
Original material developed for the purpose of the YCARe project.