Get-in-the-Know-Videos against Salafism


Several videos deal with terms often used in current discussions of radicalisation, like islamism, salafism, jihad, caliphate, sunna. In the videos these terms are explained and discussed with young people.

  • Module
  • Prevention
  • Group size
  • medium
Course code: 5 ACW
Exercise Category: Good Practices
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


The aim is to fight  Salafist ideologization by explaining the background of often used terms and to fill them with meaning.


young people aged 15- 25


When it comes to topics such as "Salafism" or "Islamism", there are often misunderstandings. Because unclear concepts and the lack of delimitation in their use are often irritating. For example, the question arises: What does Islam have to do with Islamism?
Videos of the German Federal Center for Political Education give explanations, in which many young YouTubers have contributed. This is an easy to use tool for communicating basic information in an animated way.

Materials needed



The videos were produced with you young people in order to make sure that information provided is presented in a way which reflects the interests and language of young people.


Advice for Trainer

The videos can be easily included in teaching units against radicalisation in order to prepare common ground in terms of definition.

The website offers different material to be included in teaching units.