Web Guardian


Key message/Summary

Openness and access to the Internet is not always encouraging. Therefore, it is necessary for young people to access the web content with critical thinking and exclude those ones who directly or indirectly threaten them. And, of course to respond to such attempts  in responsible behavior. Recognition is therefore the key. The exercise stimulates critical thinking and helps young people develop resistance and resilience.

  • Module
  • Early detection
  • Prevention
  • Group size
  • small
  • medium
  • Duration
  • 1 hour
  • Group age
  • 12 - 15
  • 16 - 19
Course code: 40
Exercise Category: Activities / Exercises
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


  • To become aware about the role of the internet
  • To become aware about the extremists’ content online
  • To become aware on how social media are being used to radicalise young people
  • To enhance individual critical thinking


Young people, students, early school leavers, unemployed, young delinquents, young women


Group divides into 2 subgroups. Each group receives certain insitructions about the specific theme.

Group 1: The trainier/teacher open up the discussion regarding the use of the internet. What are the pluses and what minuses. Are there any specific gender differences? Members of the subgroup discuss the topic. Important answers and conclusions are written down and designed like a mind mapping poster.

Group 2: The second group opens up discussion about the social media and far-right wings, or extremistic groups in the light of the recruitment of the young people. The group has the computer and access to internet which allows to explore certain websites and social media /Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Wikis, … ) Important answers and conclusions are written down and designed like a mind mapping poster.

After completion of the task, each group present their findings and trainer enhances an open discussion about the topics. They open up the questions as:

  • what are the essential skills to tackle the issue and protect young people
  • what can be »safeguarding«
  • talk about how to use privacy settings and reporting tools
  • how to block someone, how to keep information private
  • set rules and agree boundaries
  • what about parental control

Trainer write down the findings to the flipchart. On the basis of these findings group shall adopt conclusions in the form of arguments, which will become the group's common »GUIDE - Instructions for use«.

In the closing of the activity the trainer/teacher/counselor leads participants through the steps of the feedback (e.g. what I have learned today, which of the new aspects I have recognised and internalized, how I can apply the new insights into my life, etc.)

Materials needed

Pens, color pens, paper, computer and internet access.


Discussion board, poster.

Advice for Trainer

Trainer guides the discussion in the way to opening new aspects of »risk behaviour in internet« recognition. It is important that he has experience in working with small groups and certainly knows the basics of group dynamics.