My point of view



The activity focuses on understanding and consideration of various aspects. It happens often that we are witnessing certain event and we are seeing it in a completely different way. It happens often as well that particular object awakens in us past emotions, so it is our description emotionally colored. Last but not least, it reminds us that we can have a different point of view of certain things. While it is important to explore the symbolic world of others. In this way we strengthen tolerance and acceptance of diversity. 


  • Module
  • Early detection
  • Prevention
  • Group size
  • small
  • large
  • Duration
  • 30 min
  • 45 min
  • 1 hour
  • Group age
  • 12 - 15
  • 16 - 19
Course code: 35
Exercise Category: Activities / Exercises
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


  • To become aware about different points of view
  • To overcome limiting beliefs
  • Learn to listen the arguments of others
  • Developing understanding
  • Enhancing inter-personal communication


Teacher/trainer invites students/clients into this activity, starting with introduction as follows.

Imagine a Rose on a Table. Imagine five people sitting around a table. They are willing to talk about the subject which is lying on the table. Imagine, these five people are: a gardener, a painter, a dentist, a pupil, a perfume-maker. What could happen? The gardener sees the plant and loves the rose, the painter sees the beauty and the colours, the perfume-maker sees a source for his perfume, the pupil will perhaps ask, the dentist will..?

The story is a metaphor for the different points of view that all of us have. For example, the issue the group wants to talk about is very clear because it is right in front of them on the table. But at the same time, everybody has a different point of view. This is a basic fact in verbal / oral communication: we are individuals and for this reason each of us has a different point of view.

Probably the best that these five people can do at first is to share their points of view and to

tell the others how they see the rose on the table. Usually, when we talk we talk about more complicated and invisible things, which we can’t put on a table (concepts like: friendship, tasks to do, future plans….). Often, it is enough to be aware that others may have a different point of view. But for certain issues it is necessary to come to a common point of view: for example about “human rights” or to fix laws.

Materials needed

Rose or any other, to this activity relevant object.


discussion panel

Advice for Trainer

Trainer/teacher encourages debate and guides discussion with special, to the topic oriented , targeted questions.

Source / Literature

Adapted from: Step by Step into Future; A Training Handbook for young Women in Iraqui. (2006).