Love language against radicalism ideas



Transforming violent messages and  ideas to message of support, connection and love. Choosing words in communication is extremely important. With them we either build relationships or destroy them. Recognizing negative messages and converting them into linking content is an important aspect of this exercise. Messages around us are often colored with  negative connotations, so training for finding positive ones is more than welcome.

  • Module
  • Prevention
  • Group size
  • small
  • Duration
  • 1 hour
  • Group age
  • 16 - 19
  • 20 - 24
Course code: 34
Exercise Category: Activities / Exercises
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


  • recognize messages, which include hate speech or promote violence;
  • learn how to use more positive expressions and transform the building structure from negative to positive;
  • gain experience of how language can affects our emotions;
  • use web, creative inspiration and design programs as work tools for activities, which could transform learners and other people beliefs associated with migrants


Students in terciar school level, youth


Part 1: Creating videos with slogans, songs and text which will transform angry speech and violent ideas to positive message

Step 1: Learners watch one of video that radical group made or published on Youtube. They mark parts, where angry speech is included.

Step 2: They use creative board to make a draf and replaced hate speech with humor or positive affirmations.

They need to follow 2 guidelines:

1) new messageS need to be fun

2) transforming original message into something positive;


Part 2:

Feedback from other members and trainer/teacher about their work and input for improvements. Discussion and planning where video can be published or take place ( school radio/local newspaper/Youtube channel ).

Other possibilities:

a) create a blog, where learners and teachers can write about good experiences they have with muslims, immigrants and other foreigners.

b) Design flyers with love-language slogans and send them to all importnat institutions in the city (community).

c) Multicultural event based on love language.

Materials needed

Computers and mobiles, access to web, links to free design and video programs (Glogster, PickMonkey, Canva, Weebly,, evaluating sheets.


Brainstorming, creative board, working board with timetable, working with mind schems

Advice for Trainer

Trainers should be skilled in group dynamic work and be able to create a good cooperative and creative atmosphere, encouraging young adults to think about alternatives and develop the courage to act as voice of humanistic values.

During the implementation of the exercise he is in a role of deflector directed. It is also important to emphasize that trainer must be skilled in Web 2.0 tools usage – to involve and enhance the process of internalization of young people who are more prone to use technology in their every day communications.

Source / Literature

Original material developed for the purpose of the YCARe project.