Emotional Roller



Emotions are extremely important component of our personality. Recognizing one's own feelings and feelings of others is the basis of the individual’s  developed emotional intelligence.  Researches  in this scientific field are increasingly encouraging the development of such skills, as they represent an important component of the later individual's success in life. Cultivation of emotions and their expression should be the basis of modern education systems. Exercise stimulates the recognition and implementation of emotions that strengthen individuals and others.  

  • Module
  • Prevention
  • Group size
  • small
  • medium
  • Duration
  • 30 min
  • 45 min
  • 1 hour
  • Group age
  • 12 - 15
  • 16 - 19
  • 20 - 24
Course code: 28
Exercise Category: Activities / Exercises
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


  • To discover yourself with different emotions
  • To discover others with different emotions


Four corners of the room are designated as “emotional areas” such as anger, joy, sadness and neutrality. Every time you are within one of these areas you also have that feeling. When you move to another area, your feeling continually changes as well. First you do it on your own. Then you encounter other people with the feeling you are in or with the one you are coming from.

You can go very fast from one corner to the other; try to feel the emotions with your body, you can also make a sound, but you cannot use any words. How is your head, how do your shoulders feel, what does your belly feel like, what are your legs doing?

First do it in silence but then - what does your voice want to do? Let it out! If your voice wants to stay silent, it’s ok, if it wants to shout, shout.

Make sure that you take every route at least once – from sadness to anger, from joy to neutral, from anger to joy etc. – every direction at least once.

Now, get into contact with the others and meet them. If you meet someone in the same corner, you are happy or sad together, what do you do together? Is there any interaction?

If you come from a neutral position and meet somebody who looks sad what do you do?

How do you say hello? How does that affect you?

You are in one room, some persons are happy, some are sad, some are neutral, some are angry. How do you deal with that?

You can use all of your body, you can talk, move and act in a normal way. When you are ready, choose a feeling where you would like to be last, and then walk out of the square, if it’s ok for you.

The discussion afterwards shows how rich the exercise is. It is always useful to go through emotions in a safe environment and in a row. A healthy life contains all emotions. There are no good or bad emotions, just emotions.

Feedback and Summary of the activity

How did the exercise feel? Could you feel the emotions?

It is the trainer’s main tool to ask questions. You can ask more questions like:

Which ways were difficult and which were easy to go?

How do you think and feel about the sounds?

Materials needed



Discussion, learning by doing

Advice for Trainer

As a trainer you have to be patient and give people time to, for example, get out of the square.

Source / Literature

Adapted from: Step by Step into Future; A Training Handbook for young Women in Iraqui. (2006).