Organise groups activities


Key message

For both young people who start to sympathise with extremist groups as for those who are trying to move away from them, it is essential to strengthen existing peer-to-peer social networks and provide them real spaces for juvenile participation. Young people need to be involved in decision making and work in groupbeyond ideological and religious differences to broke with extremist and persuasive speeches which offer a supportive enviroment despite its discriminatory nature.

Key words: decision making,  teamwork, group cohesion


During adolescence young people start involving in new social groups, looking for spaces where they can develop their personal skills and be acknowledged as active participants. Involving directly young people in the election, planning and organisation of activities of interest to them, makes them break into the process of decision-making at the same time it enforces the necessary social skills of collaborative teamwork.

  • Group size
  • small
  • medium
  • Module
  • Intervention
  • Duration
  • 1 hour
  • Group age
  • 12 - 15
  • 16 - 19
Course code: 54
Exercise Category: Activities / Exercises
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CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


  • Develop the capacity of planning, organisation and group goals achievement.
  • Enhance the development of creativity and conflicts solving by means of planning and organising group activities.
  • Organise group activities.
  • Learn to build a common base between several persons.
  • Foster the use of TICs and social networks.


Presentation of the dynamics to the group as an opportunity to organise activities by themselves such as preparing an excursion or an outdoor activity, organise a cineforum, make a video, etc. (To be adapted to the group and the Centre's available resources).

Step 1: Form 3-4 groups. Each group will dispose of a limited time (5-10 min.) to choose an activity.

Step 2: Make a pool of all answers and select one of them to be done among the whole group.

The objective in this point is to get a negotiation between the different proposals, looking for common interests and analyzing the difficulties to perform one or the other.

  • In this step the teacher/training/educator supports the group in the exposition of needs and main interests. –what do you want do do? Where do you want to go? Why is it important for you? – What will you achieve? Which alternatives could be worth exploring? What will you win with the other proposals?.
  • Report the agreements concerning each point to establish a common framework. actividad.

Step 3: Once selected the activity, prepare among all a list of required tasks and resources (e.g. date, place, tickets' booking, sandwiches, etc.). Allocate groups to carry out the diferent tasks and establish deadlines via a chronogramme.

If the group has access to his own blog or social network, it is advised to make use of it so that the youngsters can disseminate and co-ordinate the activity from home or from the Centre (e.g. by means of an online forum to report the obtained resources, etc.).

Materials needed

Blackboard, pen, paper (blog or social media optional)


small group dynamics, learning by doing

Advice for Trainer

  • Evaluate the participation in group decision-making, the attitude to reach a common framework and the ability to establish general agreement.
  • We suggest to adapt this working scheme from time to time to activities carried out in the Centre (e.g. activities related with the curriculum programme, some centre's events, cineforum, etc.) as well as the group age.

Source / Literature

F.S.G. (n.a) Sesiones para trabajar en el aula. Retos en los contextos multiculturales. Competencias interculturales y resolución de conflicto. Fundación del Secretariado Gitano. Madrid.