10 Possible Indicators



Activity opens up the field of personal values of young people, and during a guided discussion it enhances and creates a space of critical thinking. The influence of the environment on the individual’s development is an important precursor to personal attitudes, opinions, beliefs and values creation.

  • Module
  • Early detection
  • Group size
  • small
  • medium
  • Duration
  • 1 hour
  • Group age
  • 12 - 15
Course code: 21
Exercise Category: Activities / Exercises
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


  • Early detection of behaviour that may indicate involvement in exstremism or radicalism
  • Increase the level of awareness of the phenomenom
  • Allow discussion of topics
  • Facilitate the development of support networks


Young people, students, early school leavers, unemployed, young delinquents.


Within small group participants divide into three subgroups. Each of them indicate and record 10 signs by wich we can identify someone who is radicalized. Trainer directs following discussion. After participants' observations and views exchange with two other subgroups, he ask them to supplement their previous findings.

Each sub-group on the basis of preceding and updated findings forms an »Awareness poster«, using their own channel of creativity (e.g. drawings, mind mapping, 10 rules of commandments, collage, etc.).

In the second step trainer uses the »official« signs indicators from the activity Handouts. Together with participants he revise and may supplement preliminary findings.

In the third step of this activity trainer leads participants through the steps of the feedback (e.g. what I have learned today, which of the new aspects I have recognised and internalized, how I can apply the new insights into my life, etc.)

Materials needed

Pens, color pens, paper (A#, A« format), newspapers, glue.


Poster as awareness and learning material

Advice for Trainer

Trainer guides the discussion in the way to opening new aspects of »risk behaviour« recognition. It is important that he has experience in working with small groups and certainly knows the basics of group dynamics.

Source / Literature

Adapted from the Times Colonist's article author Colin Kenny.


10 possible indicators of radicalized person: docx format, PDF format